Here are some frequently asked questions.
Who is Krava foundation Canada?
We are a group of Canadians across the country who volunteer our time to underprivileged families living in poverty.
What are your projects?
Our current project is helping the families with children in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Those families are living in very poor living conditions. They are mainly returnees to pre-war areas where their families used to live. Most of them were children during the war and now they are trying to regain normal living, however, the economical situation, high unemployment rate and ethnical discrimination are making it almost impossible to make a descent living. Those families live mostly in villages and have a potential of improving their living when having a livestock. amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
How can I become a donator?
We consider our donators, at the same time, as our members. We encourage you to subscribe on a monthly base with a minimum of $10.00 CAD or more via our website for automatic monthly deductions. You can also make a onetime payment donation if you rather prefer at any given time.
How do you help?
In cooperation with our local partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we assess the families who are in those categories. Once assed, the eligible family’s profile is created and presented to the board and the donators. Monetary fund is collected and a cow purchased and delivered. The family signs a three-year conditional agreement for using the cow solely for personal use producing milk and homemade dairy products.
How can having a cow help?
Having a cow can help a sustainable living. Those families who live in villages usually have a piece of land, have worked with animals before and are willing to have a livestock. They can use cow for milking and producing dairy products likes cheese, butter, etc.
Having those products available to them is a good opportunity to even make some income locally. Krava Foundation Canada encourages those families to start up a micro business, because we believe having a livestock micro business has a potential for making a better living. viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis. Lorem ipsum